Giving Hope to
286 Shayla Bee Families since 2007
In October 2006 nearly two years after Shayla's death, her life was an inspiration to help another family that had an 18 year old son with cancer. The Gilmore Family Support Rally was as much about showing the family how many people were praying for them as it was about helping out ï¬nancially. Shayla's courage is a legacy that has again inspired her family and friends to help others through the Shayla Bee Fund.
Help Us Give To A Family In Need
Your donations mean so much to sick children and their families. Without you, we could not give them the help and support they need. Thank you!

Shayla Bee is more than just The Legacy of a Six Year Old Girl
Shayla Kaye Rohrbaugh was born on December 4th 1998, with a condition called Schizencephaly. Her 6 year battle was an inspiration to her family and all who loved and cared for her. Her 18 year old mother went from a troubled single mom, to a 24 hour a day, seven day a week caregiver in a heartbeat. Her devotion to Shayla was a true inspiration. It is baffling how a handicapped child can have such a pro found impact on so many lives, but she did. Shayla died on January 8 2005 leaving behind a little brother Aydan and a little sister Isabel. The Shayla Bee Fund is a living memorial to Shayla.