#029 Demey Family - Newel - May 2010

Macy's appt. was Thursday (Aug 20), where they found some indicators of leukemia, but nothing positive. So, she then was scheduled for a bone marrow aspiration on Friday, Aug. 21. This was the day that changed our lives as we knew it. It was determined that Macy has Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, Pre-B. Thinking positively, this is the most treatable, cureable type of cancer she could have (85-90% cure rate). Sadly, though, she has to go through lots to get there. She had a spinal tap this morning to see if there were leukemia cells in the central nervous system, and also to administer her chemo. She also had another bone marrow aspiration as part of her plan to keep track of her progress

Ryan & Tabitha DeMey