How Can I Help?
Your donation goes to your community.
Consider the Shayla Bee Fund as a beneficiary of your fundraising activities. Contact us when you'd like to organize a 3rd party event to raise money for this charity. We have developed a 3rd party Event Protocol that all 3rd party events are bound by, through an application process.
Please Contact 3rd Party Event Coordinators BEFORE planning and/or announcing an event. Sometimes we have several things going on at one time and we don't want multiple 3rd party events to conflict with one another.
3rd Party Event Coordinator Ciel Faulkner 260-1210.
Making an individual, tax deductible contribution. Contributions can be made to the Shayla Bee Fund at the Farmers Bank in Spencer, Iowa or by mail: 602 4th Ave SE, Spencer, Iowa 51301
Attend our events, both fundraisers and donations to families. Your support is precious to the children, and their families and is what makes the Shayla Bee Fund stand out from others. Become friends with us on Facebook to get the latest news on past families and current events.
Our thanks go out to all Shayla Bee Fund Supporters, Volunteers and Contributors.